I started crocheting in late August 2016, when I was bored to death a my friend suggested picking up a new hobby. I felt like learning something new and clothes related, so initially I tried knitting. My dexterity was not ready for this yet, so I dropped needles and picked up a crochet hook and sat by Youtube videos for left handed crocheters and in two afternoons I picked up the basics.
In the following year, I made quite a few things but still had a major goal on my mind - making a shawl and I wished to make it from an ombré yarn. My wish became my project in May 2017 and I made a huge shawl with a Drops Delight yarn. Upon seeing the colours, the race of Night Elves from World of Warcraft came to mind and that gave a name to the shawl.
The pattern is Eva's Shawl and I added a border that I made up trial-and-error style. This shawl is special not only because I made it with my favourite game in mind but it is also the last project I did before I picked up knitting. Ravelry link here.